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How to Start Fresh When Even the Word “Goal” Feels Overwhelming
Using a CBT approach, learn how to start your day, week, month or year off fresh when even the word “goal” feels overwhelming or pointless.

Why We Don't Like Surprises
I Don’t Like Surprises Surprises are usually considered a good thing. And I actually don’t dislike all surprises--just the kind with...

6 Ways to Help you Remember Things More Often
by Melanie Gallo, PhD Most of us want to improve our memory and for a good reason! Our capability to remember things is one of the few...

How Did I Get Here? The Art of Knowing, That you know
by Melanie Gallo, PhD Have you ever had this to happen? You’re driving home from work and all of a sudden your sitting in your driveway. ...

Preserving your Inner Child
by Melanie Gallo, PhD You know how when you’re a kid everything is an adventure. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a ten year old that...
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